The T.M.C. Asser Instituut, established in The Hague, The Netherlands, has recently published “Shifting Perspectives on the European Public Prosecutor's Office”. This book is very interesting: it examines the legal and practical consequences of the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office by enhanced cooperation, thus far between 21 Member States, there by limiting the extent of the EPPO’s authority over the territory of the European Union.
The authors of this book, who all are renowned international experts, provide an in-depth analysis of the above-mentioned key challenges and propose concrete solutions to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the EPPO.
Included are 13 issues, in English language, devoted to the following main topics: internal and external perspectives of the EPPO; developments under the Presidency of The Netherlands; perspectives from the European Parliament; the EPPO Regulation and subsidiarity concerns; the PIF Directive: a ‘blunt weapon’ for the EPPO; ancillary crimes and ne bis in idem; the EPPO and the European Investigation Order; forum of choice and judicial review; relations between the EPPO and Eurojust; EPPO’sraison d’être; EPPO: a chronicle of failure?
The table of contents is directly accessible on the website of T.M.C. Asser Instituut:
To buy the book:
About the T.M.C. Asser Instituut
The T.M.C. Asser Instituut is an interuniversity, renowned centre of expertise in the fields of public international law, private international law, and European law. It fulfils an important role in undertaking fundamental and independent policy-oriented research and providing a platform for international cooperation and partnering in fields of law at the cutting edge of academia and practice.
On a regular basis, the Instituut organises conferences, seminars and courses. Moreover, the Instituut issues articles and publications.
More information on the T.C.M Asser Instituut can be found here:
ForoEuropa will continue to inform its readers of any relevant up coming publications and other activities developed by the T.M.C. Asser Instituut.